Why choose our College?
At LaSalle Catholic College Bankstown we provide students with opportunities to grow as confident and resilient learners in an authentic, faith-filled and rigorously academic environment. With a commitment to provide students with a holistic education, our educators ensure every LaSalle student achieves their personal best – through nurturing relationships and specialist programs such as our Newman Selective Gifted Education Program.
At LaSalle Catholic College, students are enlivened by social justice values, a particular care for the poor, a genuine respect for others and their world, and an awareness that their success lies within them.
Principal’s Message
LaSalle Catholic College Bankstown is a Catholic secondary systemic school in the Archdiocese of Sydney embedded in traditional Catholic values and the Lasallian philosophy of faith, service and community.
We aim for our students who enrol in LaSalle Catholic College to quickly embrace the college culture. A culture that encourages them to develop skills, values and attitudes to enhance their natural gifts and extend their opportunities through academic challenges, rigorous undertakings and spiritual growth.
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LaSalle Catholic College Bankstown opened its doors for the first time in 1951 as a Years 5-9 college for boys, eventually becoming a Years 7–12 college in 1999. While the college has seen some changes during its history, the Lasallian values of faith, service and community continue to sit at the heart of the college. In 2016, LaSalle began an exciting new chapter in its history – it became a co-educational college, accepting girls into Year 7.
Our trade training centre, Saint Yon, is now fully functional. This new facility offers vocational pathways to students in Years 11 and 12.
A little more about the Lasallian tradition
Since 1680, educational institutions in more than 80 countries have been influenced by the vision and innovative spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, the Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the patron saint of teachers. De La Salle transformed education by forming a community of educators with whom he developed a spirituality of teaching and learning, to give a human and Christian education to young people, especially the poor.
Lasallian Education centers on Catholic values and personal relationships, emphasizing academic excellence, faith formation, inclusion, respect for the individual, service and social justice. A Lasallian Education strives to enrich each student’s cultural, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development.
Today, the De La Salle Christian Brothers and their Lasallian Partners continue to respond to students through advancements in teaching, technology and scholarship. In Lasallian communities, educators touch hearts, stimulate minds and cultivate leadership to prepare students for life, work, and service to society and the Church.
Who are the de La Salle Brothers?
The De La Salle Brothers are ordinary men leading extraordinary lives. They venture wherever the need is greatest to provide education, guidance and inspiration to youth in need. They’re committed to helping young people, especially the marginalised, regardless of their religion or race. Often their De La Salle mission takes them to inhospitable areas, where even the local government cannot persuade teachers and administrators to go. There, the Brothers strive to give disadvantaged youth hope and a positive vision for the future.
The Brothers of the Christian Schools is a religious congregation of men founded by St. John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers. Brothers are committed to providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor. A De La Salle Christian Brother has answered a call to a vocation of faith, service and community with the intent of touching the hearts of young people entrusted to their care. Our vocation offers purpose, personal fulfillment, professional diversity and community life in a religious context.
What is their mission?
The purpose of the De La Salle Brothers is to meet the educational and welfare needs of young people, especially the poor. The Brothers live their Catholic faith through the values of love, compassion, justice and belief in the human dignity of each person.
Where are the Brothers?
When the Brothers first began, more than 300 years ago, they were mostly teachers based in schools. Today there are over 5,000 Brothers working in 80 countries throughout the world, in innovative roles that extend far beyond the classroom. In the Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea (ANZPNG) District, the Brothers’ work stretches from the coast of Papua New Guinea to indigenous communities in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. They perform a diverse range of roles in schools, welfare, employment agencies, universities, prisons, education offices and government departments.
LaSalle Catholic College Bankstown is a Catholic co-educational school of the Archdiocese of Sydney which is committed to a Lasallian vision of education. It therefore strives at all times to provide an education of the highest possible standard to each student within its care and demonstrates a special concern for the needs of the poor and marginalised.
St Felix de Valois Catholic Church
Our students attend Mass with their Year group at St Felix on a rotational basis throughout the year. The church is open all day.
The parish priest, Father Van Nguyen, visits classes on a regular basis. Father also celebrates whole school liturgies in our gym. For Mass times, visit the parish website.
Father Ronnie Maree is our College Chaplain. He takes religious education classes as well as hearing confessions and celebrating Mass with our students.
550 Chapel Road, Bankstown, NSW 2200
P (02) 9790 1933
E admin@stfelixparish.org.au
Proudly Part of the Community of Sydney Catholic Schools
Our school is part of a system of 147 low-fee Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese.
Sydney Catholic Schools are thriving Catholic communities that ignite a love of Christ through excellent teaching and learning to empower students to reach their full potential.