Our school provides opportunities for students, staff and parents to know and celebrate their Catholic faith. This is done through the religious life of our school. Members of our community experience a rich liturgical and prayer life, celebration of the Sacraments, faith formation, social outreach activities, and opportunities to share faith with each other and with youth from other schools in the Archdiocese.

In proclaiming the Gospel, LaSalle Catholic College strives to make known the values and teachings of Jesus Christ. St John Baptist de la Salle was convinced that touching the hearts of our students and inspiring them with the Christian spirit is the greatest miracle a Catholic school can perform.

The LaSalle community pauses at noon each day to pray ‘The Angelus‘ together and allows time to reflect upon God’s gifts to us and how we too can say our own ‘yes’ to God.

Festive occasions such as feast days are lively celebrations of our identity as a Catholic community.