We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
LaSalle Catholic College Bankstown focuses on the development of the whole person – the individual within, the individual as a member of the college community and the individual who interacts in the wider community.
The college sees the maintenance of high uniform standards as crucial to developing a sense of belonging and a sense of both personal and collegial pride within each student.
For the Girls
The girls’ college uniform consists of a white college shirt and the college kilt, which is to be worn just below the knee. In summer, girls may choose to purchase a summer tunic. The tunic is to be worn just below the knee.
Junior Girls Years 7-10
- Blazer: The college blazer is compulsory in Terms 2 and 3.
- Jumper: The bottle green college jumper or cardigan is optional but it is not to be worn to and from school unless under the College blazer.
- Under Garments: T-shirts, spencers or singlets are not to be worn underneath the uniform if they are visible above the collar. If a t-shirt or singlet is worn under the uniform, the only acceptable colour is white and must be without any logos or advertising of any kind.
- Shoes: School shoes are to be black leather shoes (traditional style, not soft leather). They must be low heeled, black lace up shoes that can be polished. Shoes that have a heel that exceeds 3cm in height will not be allowed to be worn as school shoes as they do not comply with Occupational Health and Safety standards.
- Socks and Stockings: Girls are required to wear ankle length bottle green socks (in summer). The socks are to be folded so that the fold is above the top of the shoe. Anklets of any sort are NOT part of the uniform. This also applies for the sports uniform. College coloured stockings (70-denier opaque black tights) are permitted in winter.
- Scarf and other headwear: A plain black scarf can be worn in Terms 2 and 3. No headgear is to be worn, other than the college cap for sun protection during sport.
Senior Girls Years 11-12
- Only difference is a Grey skirt – the rest of the uniform is the same as the Junior.
For the Boys
- Shirt: The white college shirt (of the correct size) must be tucked in at all times. Shirts are to be worn in the traditional business style.
- Tie: LaSalle ties are worn as part of the winter uniform. For students in Years 7-10, no ties are required in summer.
- Trousers: Students are required to wear tailored grey trousers. Trousers of the correct grey colour and the correct length and waist size are to be purchased at Lowes. No baggy trousers are acceptable and trousers that are too long may be required to be turned up at the hem. Trousers are to be worn with a plain black belt with a plain buckle. No brand names are acceptable.
- Blazer: The college blazer is compulsory in Terms 2 and 3.
- Jumper: The bottle green college jumper is optional but it is not to be worn to and from school, unless under the blazer.
- Under garments: T-shirts are not to be worn underneath shirts so that the collar of the T-shirt is above the collar of the school shirt. If a T-shirt is worn under the shirt, the only acceptable colour is white without logos or advertising of any nature.
- Shoes: Boys are required to wear black leather, traditional style school shoes, not soft leather shoes. Shoes must be black lace up and able to be polished.
- Socks: The college socks are to be worn.
- Scarf and other headwear: A plain black scarf can be worn in Terms 2 and 3. The college cap is the only form of acceptable headwear.
- Grooming: Boys must be cleanly shaven.
Boys and Girls
Sports Uniform
- The college tracksuit, shirt, shorts and cap are to be worn by boys and girls on designated days only.
- Sports shoes need to be predominantly white or black low cut with white socks. No anklets are allowed.
- Girls only can wear one pair of sleepers or studs and in the earlobes only. No other jewellery is to be worn.
- Girls and boys may wear a watch.
- Hair is to be worn so that it does not impede students’ vision. Girls with long hair need to tie it back with bottle green or black ribbons, scrunchies or headbands. Fashion styles such as tightly-braided and beaded hair are not considered appropriate with our uniform and are not permitted. Hair that is permanently dyed or permanently tinted or highlighted is unacceptable. Hair is to remain its natural colour.
- Boys must wear their hair above the collar and in harmony with the standards and expectations of the school. There are to be no steps whatsoever and no lower cut than a number “3” may be used for shaved hairstyles.
Students who make the decision to ignore these conditions will be dealt with at the discretion of the Year Coordinator or Assistant Principal. This may include the student being sent home until the matter can be resolved.
- No nail polish or make-up is to be worn.
School Bags
- Only college bags are to be used in the backpack style. Graffiti and branding on bags will not be tolerated and must be removed.
- Please label every item of uniform with First Name and Surname.
Incorrect Uniform
- Any student not in correct college uniform is required to bring a note from a parent or guardian explaining the infringement. Failure to provide an acceptable explanation will result in uniform breach. Repeated breaches will result in students being placed on detention.